Christian Worship: Playlist
The successor to HymnSoft, an optional package with Christian Worship: Service Builder, called Christian Worship: Playlist, will deliver high-quality audio files to assist congregations when a musician is not available.
Christian Worship: Service Builder® offers an intuitive and effective workflow. Planning begins by selecting a day from the lectionary calendar and selecting an order of service—whether one of the standard settings or any number of customized options. Once the hymns have been added, it is possible to generate a print-ready worship folder or screen-ready slide deck in a matter of minutes. Worship planners may further customize the display of every element of the service in a visual interface (see opposite page). The application offers contextual suggestions to speed the process of planning and preparation and provides powerful resources to manage a local congregation’s entire library of liturgical texts, local customizations, and imported resources.
Built-in and customizable print templates make it fast and easy to generate a standard worship folder and a large-print version with just one click. Powerful layout options are available for every element of the service, if desired. Like the customizations you’ve made? Save them as a template to instantly access them for future worship plans. Want to omit a stanza or two from a hymn? Simply select the stanzas you want included and Christian Worship: Service Builder instantly redraws the musical notation to include only your selected stanzas. Want to print the full text of the appointed readings? It’s not only possible, it’s fast. Every task associated with worship planning and preparation takes only a fraction of the time it once did. Christian Worship: Service Builder will be an indispensable tool in every congregation’s worship ministry.
Take a Tour of Christian Worship: Service Builder
Learn how to make use of Christian Worship: Service Builder
Preview Webinar
Take a look at the first public preview of Christian Worship: Service Builder in this recorded webinar from December 2021.
1 Unsurpassed ease
Christian Worship: Service Builder makes it possible to plan a service and produce a worship folder in about a minute.
With the entire lectionary and its associated hymn recommendations, the worship plan and worship folder for any given Sunday is just minutes away.
Click or tap the image to watch a demo.
2 powerful tools
Christian Worship: Service Builder makes even major changes to the look and layout of of your worship folder fast and easy.
Otherwise tedious or time-consuming changes to the worship folder and its elements can be made with a few clicks to customize settings or to apply global layout rules.
Click or tap the image to watch a demo.
3 central repository
Christian Worship: Service Builder is your central repository for all the materials you use and re-use for public worship.
Your entire worship resource library — including all the custom content you import into the library — is ready to use and re-use with just a few clicks.
Click or tap the image to watch a demo.
4 always connected
Christian Worship: Service Builder is cloud based software to support collaboration with others on the go and in the office.
You always have Christian Worship: Service Builder available on any of your internet-connected devices. Cloud-based software is always on and supports team collaboration.
Click or tap the image to watch a demo.
Service Builder is a registered trademark of Concordia Publishing House